• What is this exactly? I create a container that is both a sanctuary + launchpad. We all need a space for coming back home to ourselves—and we need a container of safety to do that. Once we’ve had a chance to do some replenishing, then it’s time to launch! Often, we try to skip the sanctuary phase, and go right into launch mode—but creating from a burnt out, dysregulated state doesn’t really work (ask me how I know). We need to first find that place of alignment where our power, pleasure, and partnership are healthy and balanced. What we create from there is pure magic—and THIS is what the world needs, not more stuff created from a stance of fear and overwhelm. What this all translates to is a blend of coaching, teaching, mentoring, co-creating, playing, and ridiculosity.

  • What kind of clients do you work with? I work with individuals across a range of industries, roles, and job titles. The common denominators:

    • They long to move the needle in some way.

    • They are willing to question the status quo and themselves.

    • They wish to be allowed to be fully, gloriously, messily, brilliantly human.

    • They are not just looking for the next quick hack but are willing to do deep work to undergo TRANSFORMATION.

    • They want to be vibrantly, joyfully alive and are willing to figure out what it takes for them to get there.

    • My clients are also generally awesome, creative, brilliant, kind-hearted, funny, and talented, but I may be slightly biased.

  • I’m not a leader in my organization. Is working with you right for me? This is a great question. My philosophy is that we are ALL leaders in some way, whether it’s in your job title or not. Titles do not make leaders, actions do. If you are consciously helping to make the world a better place, you are a leader, and you are my people. Because humans learn by imitating and attuning to others, building and embodying a life that is in alignment with your values, integrity, gifts, and healthy power, pleasure, and partnership makes you a healthy role model for others. This work is the work of being wholly human, which means it’ll serve you in every arena of your life.

  • I’m not really a “creative,” but I think I have some latent creativity I’d like to develop. Can you help? Yes! Everyone is a creator of some sort—we’re all creating, all the time. Your brand of creativity is unique to you, and so is how you use it. Honing your creative skills + mindset will serve you in every area of life by inspiring you to be curious, growth-oriented, and collaborative. These just so happen to be the leadership skills we need in order to shift individuals, systems, and organizations into a healthier, happier, more humanful paradigm for all. Creativity works. Use it!

  • How is this different from therapy? I’m glad you asked. I am not a licensed medical professional, and whatever I offer does not constitute medical advice. I am a coach, teacher, mentor, and experience creator, which means I help you get inspired, expand your perspective, and develop awareness, skills, and courage to examine your roadblocks to achieving the life you want—and how to move through them. Often, that means we will talk deeply about fears, desires, and nervous system patterns. I am very well versed in creating a safe, trustworthy container for clients to allow themselves to share their vulnerability, which in and of itself can be incredibly healing, but I am not a therapist or healthcare professional. If you are struggling with your mental health, I encourage you to seek a licensed therapist or counselor to help. Coaching can be a fantastic next step for taking action to create a beautiful life from a more regulated foundation. It takes a village for all of us to get the support we need, because we need different things at different times. Do yourself the honor of getting the support you need at this point in your journey.


  • You have a deep desire to create a more humanful, beautiful paradigm—not just figure out how to maneuver better in the old one.

  • You know you have a gift to offer the world, but need help clarifying and channeling it so you can offer it—finally!

  • You are trying to shift a culture, create something never before seen on this planet, find your sweet spot as a leader, feel more alive in your life, inspire or help others.

  • The status quo doesn’t work for you—or you find it ridiculously boring.

  • You are willing to take off your masks to reveal your wholly human self—because tamping yourself down has gotten kind of excruciating.

  • You know you’re a catalyst, and you want to use that gift for good. People look to you for advice, leadership, or inspiration… just because you’re you.

  • You believe that healthy, happy humans are good for the planet—and you LOVE this planet.


  • You’re not willing or able to invest time and resources in true, deep transformation and evolution. (And that is okay! Just not a match.)

  • You’re looking for quick life hacks. I would love it if this work was quick and easy, but alas…

  • You’re not ready to examine your fears, desires, triggers, and strategies for getting what you want and need.

  • You’re okay with manipulating others to get what you want.

  • You view other people and the planet as resources to get you what you want.

  • You are experiencing a mental health crisis. If you are, please know that you are not alone. Please reach out for resources and the help you deserve.