Portal V: Tectonic Oracle

16” X 24”


Available for purchase. Please contact me for details.



Tectonic Oracle

The cry tunnels a relentless course through eons of rock.

It carves its way through earth, pushes up ridges, calls the sediments to settle, sets rivers on their course, urges on the waves, until finally, after billennia, the cry breaches the surface.

The scream is raw, the desire of the first gods shot through with the grief of their leaving.

Desire, because that was the first stuff of life, the only universal possibility. Grief, because they knew what we are just now learning in another language: There is no loss like that of a gift not received by its beloved. 

The rivers, brooks, the riptides and rapids have been trying to get us to listen, appealing to their cousin—our lifeblood—coursing through the rivulets of our veins. 

By the time we hear the cry—the one we think originates in our bones, our blood—the first, solitary tear from a goddess long since gone silent has seeded the rivers, its gravity so strong it eroded eternity to deliver up a tectonic oracle:

I love you.

I love you.

This is all for you.

How could it be otherwise?

Do you not remember?

You created me for you.

You, for me, created you.

Copyright © 2020 Calee Lucht

My Process:

Series: Fifth in the Portal series. We are the creators of our own portals: through each one, we receive our lives more and more fully.

Inspiration: The desires of the first gods created our universal patterns: physical, material, spiritual, and eternal.

Materials: Vitreous glass tesserae, Wissmach stained glass, mom’s broken plate, lapis lazuli, malachite, pyrite, pearl. Light, shadow, time. Me. You.

Available for purchase. Please contact me for details.