Rebirth of Venus / Mutable Gods I

24” X 36”


Venus let me in on a secret: Duality is just foreplay for alchemy.

The final step before alchemy is sacred partnership. 

Only when we've forged a loving partnership with ourselves can we enter the divine dance with another.

When shadow learns to make love to light, and light softens enough to cradle shadow, infinite origami folds of space-time blossom open, revealing the delicate, lustrous seedpod of the new paradigm: PLEASURE.

The seedpod unfurls only from the rich soil of true desire, its code a mantra that kisses the lips of lovers in the new paradise:

Move from pleasure.

Move with pleasure.

Move for pleasure.

Dance, and let yourself be danced. That is the Way.

Calee Lucht Rebirth of Venus mosaic_Oneness.jpg

My Process:

Series: First in the Mutable Gods series. New earths need mutable gods: these are the divinities who birth and rebirth themselves, shapeshifting beyond the binary to emerge in their rooted, ecstatic power.

Archetypes: The Lovers. Alchemy. Hieros gamos.

Inspiration: The union of the divine feminine and divine masculine, communion of body and soul, the reciprocity of human and divine, beyond the binary, alchemy, ocean wisdom, moon love.

Materials: Seed pearls, shells, vitreous, mirrored glass, and ceramic tiles, pearl. Love. Light, shadow. You. Me.

Mutable Gods Series

Brand new universes need new gods.

The desires of our gods create our patterns: physical, material, and otherwise. We need new patterns.

In remnants and relics of ancient civilizations, we see over and over again images, bas-reliefs, and idols of fertility: lovers in ecstatic union, pregnant bellies, vaginas, phalluses, water, fields, seeds, flowers—omnipresent reminders of abundance and fecundity, and our role in its infinite cycle.

What are the daily reminders we see scattered around us today? Pop-up ads, billboards, commercials: reminders of the gods of lack.

New universes—these origami folds of pure potential, cross-pollinations of the new paradigm of pleasure—need new gods.

Who, or what, are these new divine beings? Nothing so one-dimensional as “omnipotent,” that tired myth. Nothing so remote as some pristine, disembodied god. No, nothing untouchable can remain, for everything—everything—is here to be held.

This new paradise calls for sensual, shape-shifting divinities with dirt under their nails. Pleasure creators, magicians who play in the mud, broken beings who shift and shimmer, reflect and refract light and shadow and all their shades, whose cracks flow with liquid-crystal, full-blooded ichor and oceans of murky emotion. 

These co-creator gods, shapeshifters all, share one wild, tiny, immutable aspect: their humanity.

Welcome to the new pantheon. What’s the thing that only YOU can create? That’s your r/evolution.

Copyright Calee Lucht 2018

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